Our Service

Terms and Condition

  • 15-days prior notification is required for the termination of service.
  • Items can be returned within 15 days as per transport availability.
  • You must not store the following goods at our facility. Items like food and perishable goods. Birds, fish, animals or any other living creatures. Combustible or flammable materials or liquids such as gas, paint, petrol, oil or cleaning solvents. Firearms, explosives, weapons or ammunition. Chemicals, radioactive materials, biological agents. Toxic waste, asbestos or other materials of a potentially dangerous nature. hazardous material, any item which emits any fumes, smell or odor, any illegal substances, illegal items or goods illegally obtained, including counterfeit goods, illicit (smuggled/counterfeit) tobacco, drugs, illicit alcohol, animal skin, unlicensed medicines, or any unsafe goods. Compressed gasses.
  • You have to give us a list of items which you are storing at our facility. You cannot make any additions or alterations to the stored list of items without obtaining prior written permission from us.
  • We offer an additional/grace time period of 2 days from the end Date of the contract to collect your goods. If the customer fails to collect his goods within the given additional period, the customer must pay an amount of 20% of the monthly rent per day, as the penalty.
  • Return transportation money is not included in the one-time transport amount. It is at an additional cost.
  • Our Company will not be responsible for the loss/damage of your items in case of any natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, etc.
  • Items will be delivered to you under the same conditions. We will be maintaining the before and after conditions for each and every item.
  • Packing must be done under an authorized person’s surveillance. If the packing has been done by the customer directly, then the company wouldn’t be responsible for any loss.
  • For any accidental damage like fire,flood etc loss will be taken care of by the insurance company, provided the customer has opted for it.
  • Payment should be done quarterly i.e. every 3 months in advance.
  • Inconvenience caused by any local Union of your area should be handled/paid by the customer directly.
  • You confirm and warrant to us that throughout this Agreement, the goods in the warehouse are your own property or that the person who owns or has an interest in them has given you irrevocable authority to store the goods in the warehouse on the terms and conditions in this Agreement and that you act as a duly authorized agent of any such person. If this is not true you will be liable for and will pay to us in full the amount of any costs, expenses, loss or damage which we incur or which we suffer as a result of claims made against us including but not limited to any reasonably incurred legal fees and any costs or claims arising from any step or action taken by any person who owns or has an interest in the goods.
  • You agree that goods received by us may be stored at the ambient temperature maintained at the facility identified, unless any special Instructions are provided, and we shall not be responsible for loss or damage to goods without special instructions stored at the ambient temperature routinely maintained at the facility. We shall not be responsible for any technical issues.
  • In case of termination before the contract end date, 70% amount will be deducted from that canceling month and the rest of the month’s amount will be refunded.

Self-Storage Liability and Reimbursement Policy

1. Overview

This policy outlines the terms under which MyEasySpace ("the Company") will cover the cost of items stored by our customers in the event of damage, theft, or other unforeseen incidents. Our primary goal is to provide a secure storage environment, but we recognize that certain events may occur despite these precautions. This policy ensures a fair and transparent process for compensating customers for their losses.

2. Customer Responsibility

  • Providing an accurate and detailed inventory of items stored.
  • Retaining original purchase receipts for all items stored.
  • Notifying the Company of any damage or loss within 3 days of the incident.

3. Valuation of Items

  • Original Purchase Price: In the event of a claim, customers must provide original purchase receipts for the items. The Company will only consider the original purchase price as valid proof of value.
  • Depreciation: The Company will apply a depreciation rate based on the type and age of the item.

4. Maximum Liability Coverage

  • The Company’s liability for any single item or set of items is limited to 70% of the original purchase price after depreciation.
  • The total maximum liability for all items stored by a single customer is capped at Rs. 75,000.

5. Claims Process

  • Submit a written notice of the incident to the Company within 3 days.
  • Provide the original purchase receipt(s) for the item(s).
  • Allow the Company to assess the damage or loss, which may involve inspection or a request for additional documentation.

6. Exclusions

  • Items not declared during the initial storage contract.
  • Items for which the customer cannot provide an original receipt.
  • Damage or loss due to natural disasters, unless the customer has opted for additional insurance coverage.

7. Dispute Resolution

Any disputes regarding the valuation of items or the application of this policy will be resolved through mediation or arbitration, as outlined in the storage contract.

8. Amendments

The Company reserves the right to amend this policy at any time. Any changes will be communicated to customers in writing.